I went for a picnic, well this is not the traditional picnic where the mat being spread on the empty ground, under the shady tree and having some food feasts while enjoying the breathtaking view this is some kind of modern picnic where we just go to Mcd and grab the whole variety bunches of burgers and stormed to this particular place where we could having our picnic...
I went for a picnic with ex-teslians of kuantan, it was kindda fun and exciting as it had been a while for me not to go crazy and get crazy...it was effing bloody good and Im kindda waiting for the next rendezvous...
These are fews of pictures taken during our re-get together:-
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Pok jak siput gonde nibbling on his begor |
bkpo x bubuh video nyowww?????XD XD.secret rendezvous ko mok sue jah dihh...?hahah
hahaha...secret ko mok sue sore jah huhuhu...
emm abot d vid nati la dlu...its gonna b d biggest surprise ever...besaq pnyer hahaha...
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